describe personal connections to a variety of sources;
Child identifies the letter associated with the sound of the first letter of his name.
provide an oral, pictorial, or written response to a text;
Child produces the correct sound for the first letter of his name.
The student is expected to describe and demonstrate respectful behavior within a digital environment.
use text evidence to support an appropriate response;
Comprehension of Text
retell texts in ways that maintain meaning;
Child re-enacts a story after it has been read aloud.
Child makes personal connections to books read aloud.
interact with sources in meaningful ways such as illustrating or writing; and
respond using newly acquired vocabulary as appropriate.
Child asks and answers age-appropriate questions about a book.
Child attempts to make predictions by looking at the cover of a book or the pictures within a story.
Concepts of Print
Multiple genres: listening, speaking, reading, writing, and thinking using multiple texts--literary elements. The student recognizes and analyzes literary elements within and across increasingly complex traditional, contemporary, classical, and diverse literary texts. The student is expected to:
discuss topics and determine the basic theme using text evidence with adult assistance;
Child can distinguish between pictures and print.
Child begins to notice the basic features of print (e.g., repeating words, space between words, punctuation vs. letters).
identify and describe the main character(s);