Module 1: Thinking Proportionally

Topic 1: Circles and Ratio

Teacher's Implementation Guides

Lesson 1: Pi: The Ultimate Ratio | Teacher's Implementation Guide
Lesson 2: That’s a Spicy Pizza! | Teacher's Implementation Guide
Lesson 3: Circular Reasoning | Teacher's Implementation Guide


Lesson 1: Pi: The Ultimate Ratio | Student Assignment | Answer Key
Lesson 2: That’s a Spicy Pizza! | Student Assignment | Answer Key
Lesson 3: Circular Reasoning | Student Assignment | Answer Key

Skills Practice

Topic 1: Circles and Ratio | Skills Practice | Answer Key

Enhanced Assessments

Topic 1: Circles and Ratio | End of Topic Assessment | Answer Key

Topic 2: Fractional Rates

Teacher's Implementation Guides

Lesson 1: Making Punch | Teacher's Implementation Guide
Lesson 2: Eggzactly! | Teacher's Implementation Guide
Lesson 3: Tagging Sharks | Teacher's Implementation Guide


Lesson 1: Making Punch | Student Assignment | Answer Key
Lesson 2: Eggzactly! | Student Assignment | Answer Key
Lesson 3: Tagging Sharks | Student Assignment | Answer Key

Skills Practice

Topic 2: Fractional Rates | Skills Practice | Answer Key

Enhanced Assessments

Topic 2: Fractional Rates | End of Topic Assessment | Answer Key

Topic 3: Proportionality

Teacher's Implementation Guides

Lesson 1: How Does Your Garden Grow? | Teacher's Implementation Guide
Lesson 2: Complying with Title IX | Teacher's Implementation Guide
Lesson 3: Fish-Inches | Teacher's Implementation Guide
Lesson 4: Minding Your Ps and Qs | Teacher's Implementation Guide


Lesson 1: How Does Your Garden Grow? | Student Assignment | Answer Key
Lesson 2: Complying with Title IX | Student Assignment | Answer Key
Lesson 3: Fish-Inches | Student Assignment | Answer Key
Lesson 4: Minding Your Ps and Qs | Student Assignment | Answer Key

Skills Practice

Topic 3: Proportionality | Skills Practice | Answer Key

Enhanced Assessments

Topic 3: Proportionality | Mid-Topic Assessment | Answer Key
Topic 3: Proportionality | End of Topic Assessment | Answer Key

Module 2: Applying Proportionality

Topic 1: Proportional Relationships

Teacher's Implementation Guides

Lesson 1: Markups and Markdowns | Teacher's Implementation Guide
Lesson 2: Perks of Work | Teacher's Implementation Guide
Lesson 3: No Taxation Without Calculation | Teacher's Implementation Guide
Lesson 4: More Ups and Downs | Teacher's Implementation Guide
Lesson 5: Pound for Pound, Inch for Inch | Teacher's Implementation Guide


Lesson 1: Markups and Markdowns | Student Assignment | Answer Key
Lesson 2: Perks of Work | Student Assignment | Answer Key
Lesson 3: No Taxation Without Calculation | Student Assignment | Answer Key
Lesson 4: More Ups and Downs | Student Assignment | Answer Key
Lesson 5: Pound for Pound, Inch for Inch | Student Assignment | Answer Key

Skills Practice

Topic 1: Proportional Relationships | Skills Practice | Answer Key

Enhanced Assessments

Topic 1: Proportional Relationships | Mid-Topic Assessment | Answer Key
Topic 1: Proportional Relationships | End of Topic Assessment | Answer Key

Topic 2: Financial Literacy: Interest and Budgets

Teacher's Implementation Guides

Lesson 1: Student Interest | Teacher's Implementation Guide
Lesson 2: Aren’t Peace, Love, and Understanding Worth Anything? | Teacher's Implementation Guide
Lesson 3: Living Within Your Means | Teacher's Implementation Guide


Lesson 1: Student Interest | Student Assignment | Answer Key
Lesson 2: Aren’t Peace, Love, and Understanding Worth Anything? | Student Assignment | Answer Key
Lesson 3: Living Within Your Means | Student Assignment | Answer Key

Skills Practice

Topic 2: Financial Literacy: Interest and Budgets | Skills Practice | Answer Key

Enhanced Assessments

Topic 2: Financial Literacy: Interest and Budgets | End of Topic Assessment | Answer Key

Module 3: Reasoning Algebraically

Topic 1: Operating with Rational Numbers

Teacher’s Implementation Guides 

Lesson 1: All Mixed Up | Teacher’s Implementation Guide
Lesson 2: Be Rational! | Teacher’s Implementation Guide
Lesson 3: Building a Wright Brothers’ Flyer | Teacher’s Implementation Guide
Lesson 4: Properties Schmoperties | Teacher’s Implementation Guide


Lesson 1: All Mixed Up | Student Assignment | Answer Key
Lesson 2: Be Rational! | Student Assignment | Answer Key
Lesson 3: Building a Wright Brothers’ Flyer | Student Assignment | Answer Key
Lesson 4: Properties Schmoperties | Student Assignment | Answer Key

Skills Practice 

Topic 1: Operating with Rational Numbers | Skills Practice | Answer Key

Enhanced Assessments 

Topic 1: Operating with Rational Numbers | End of Topic Assessment | Answer Key

Topic 2: Algebraic Expressions

Teacher’s Implementation Guides 

Lesson 1: No Substitute for Hard Work | Teacher’s Implementation Guide
Lesson 2: Mathematics Gymnastics | Teacher’s Implementation Guide
Lesson 3: All My Xs | Teacher’s Implementation Guide


Lesson 1: No Substitute for Hard Work | Student Assignment | Answer Key
Lesson 2: Mathematics Gymnastics | Student Assignment | Answer Key
Lesson 3: All My Xs | Student Assignment | Answer Key

Skills Practice 

Topic 2: Algebraic Expressions | Skills Practice | Answer Key

Enhanced Assessments 

Topic 2: Algebraic Expressions | End of Topic Assessment | Answer Key

Topic 3: Two-Step Equations and Inequalities

Teacher’s Implementation Guides 

Lesson 1: Picture Algebra | Teacher’s Implementation Guide
Lesson 2: Expressions That Play Together … | Teacher’s Implementation Guide
Lesson 3: A Formal Affair | Teacher’s Implementation Guide


Lesson 1: Picture Algebra | Student Assignment | Answer Key
Lesson 2: Expressions That Play Together … | Student Assignment | Answer Key
Lesson 3: A Formal Affair | Student Assignment | Answer Key

Skills Practice 

Topic 3: Two-Step Equations and Inequalities | Skills Practice | Answer Key

Enhanced Assessments 

Topic 3: Two-Step Equations and Inequalities | End of Topic Assessment | Answer Key

Topic 4: Multiple Representations of Equations

Teacher’s Implementation Guides 

Lesson 1: Put It on the Plane | Teacher’s Implementation Guide
Lesson 2: Deep Flight I | Teacher’s Implementation Guide
Lesson 3: Texas Tea and Temperature | Teacher’s Implementation Guide


Lesson 1: Put It on the Plane | Student Assignment | Answer Key
Lesson 2: Deep Flight I | Student Assignment | Answer Key
Lesson 3: Texas Tea and Temperature | Student Assignment | Answer Key

Skills Practice 

Topic 4: Multiple Representations of Equations | Skills Practice | Answer Key

Enhanced Assessments 

Topic 4: Multiple Representations of Equations | End of Topic Assessment | Answer Key

Module 4: Analyzing Populations and Probabilities

Topic 1: Introduction to Probability

Teacher’s Implementation Guides 

Lesson 1: Rolling, Rolling, Rolling … | Teacher’s Implementation Guide
Lesson 2: Give the Models a Chance | Teacher’s Implementation Guide
Lesson 3: Toss the Cup | Teacher’s Implementation Guide
Lesson 4: A Simulating Conversation | Teacher’s Implementation Guide


Lesson 1: Rolling, Rolling, Rolling … | Student Assignment | Answer Key
Lesson 2: Give the Models a Chance | Student Assignment | Answer Key
Lesson 3: Toss the Cup | Student Assignment | Answer Key
Lesson 4: A Simulating Conversation | Student Assignment | Answer Key

Skills Practice 

Topic 1: Introduction to Probability | Skills Practice | Answer Key

Enhanced Assessments 

Topic 1: Introduction to Probability | Mid-Topic Assessment | Answer Key
Topic 1: Introduction to Probability | End of Topic Assessment | Answer Key

Topic 2: Compound Probability

Teacher’s Implementation Guides 

Lesson 1: Evens or Odds? | Teacher’s Implementation Guide
Lesson 2: Who Doesn’t Love Puppies?! | Teacher’s Implementation Guide
Lesson 3: Pet Shop Probability | Teacher’s Implementation Guide
Lesson 4: On a Hot Streak | Teacher’s Implementation Guide


Lesson 1: Evens or Odds? | Student Assignment | Answer Key
Lesson 2: Who Doesn’t Love Puppies?! | Student Assignment | Answer Key
Lesson 3: Pet Shop Probability | Student Assignment | Answer Key
Lesson 4: On a Hot Streak | Student Assignment | Answer Key

Skills Practice 

Topic 2: Compound Probability | Skills Practice | Answer Key

Enhanced Assessments 

Topic 2: Compound Probability | End of Topic Assessment | Answer Key

Topic 3: Drawing Inferences

Teacher’s Implementation Guides 

Lesson 1: We Want to Hear From You! | Teacher’s Implementation Guide
Lesson 2: Tiles, Gumballs, and Pumpkins | Teacher’s Implementation Guide
Lesson 3: Raising the Bar | Teacher’s Implementation Guide
Lesson 4: Dark or Spicy? | Teacher’s Implementation Guide
Lesson 5: That’s So Random | Teacher’s Implementation Guide


Lesson 1: We Want to Hear From You! | Student Assignment | Answer Key
Lesson 2: Tiles, Gumballs, and Pumpkins | Student Assignment | Answer Key
Lesson 3: Raising the Bar | Student Assignment | Answer Key
Lesson 4: Dark or Spicy? | Student Assignment | Answer Key
Lesson 5: That’s So Random | Student Assignment | Answer Key

Skills Practice 

Topic 3: Drawing Inferences | Skills Practice | Answer Key

Enhanced Assessments 

Topic 3: Drawing Inferences | End of Topic Assessment | Answer Key

Module 5: Constructing and Measuring

Topic 1: Area and Surface Area

Teacher’s Implementation Guides 

Lesson 1: Slicing and Dicing | Teacher’s Implementation Guide
Lesson 2: Breaking the Fourth Wall | Teacher’s Implementation Guide
Lesson 3: Seeing it From a Different Angle | Teacher’s Implementation Guide


Lesson 1: Slicing and Dicing | Student Assignment | Answer Key
Lesson 2: Breaking the Fourth Wall | Student Assignment | Answer Key
Lesson 3: Seeing it From a Different Angle | Student Assignment | Answer Key

Skills Practice 

 Topic 1: Area and Surface Area  | Skills Practice | Answer Key

Enhanced Assessments 

Topic 1: Area and Surface Area | End of Topic Assessment | Answer Key

Topic 2: Three-Dimensional Figures

Teacher’s Implementation Guides 

Lesson 1: Hey, Mister, Got Some Bird Seed? | Teacher’s Implementation Guide
Lesson 2: Sounds Like Surface Area | Teacher’s Implementation Guide
Lesson 3: More Than Four Sides of the Story | Teacher’s Implementation Guide


Lesson 1: Hey, Mister, Got Some Bird Seed? | Student Assignment | Answer Key
Lesson 2: Sounds Like Surface Area | Student Assignment | Answer Key
Lesson 3: More Than Four Sides of the Story | Student Assignment | Answer Key

Skills Practice 

Topic 2: Three-Dimensional Figures | Skills Practice | Answer Key

Enhanced Assessments 

Topic 2: Three-Dimensional Figures | End of Topic Assessment | Answer Key

End of Course Topic

End of Course Topic

Teacher's Implementation Guides

Performance Task 1: Lawn Boy | Teacher's Implementation Guide
Performance Task 2: Boot Bargains | Teacher's Implementation Guide
Performance Task 3: How Many Treats | Teacher's Implementation Guide
Performance Task 4: Backyard Shed | Teacher's Implementation Guide

Summer Learning Pathway

Topic 1: Proportional Relationships

Teacher’s Implementation Guides 

Lesson 1: Extremely Mean | Teacher’s Implementation Guide
Lesson 2: Bird on a Line | Teacher’s Implementation Guide
Lesson 3: Hasta La Vista | Teacher’s Implementation Guide
Lesson 4: Like a Fish Out of Water | Teacher’s Implementation Guide
Lesson 5: Representation Is Everything | Teacher’s Implementation Guide
Lesson 6: Pay the Price | Teacher’s Implementation Guide
Lesson 7: All That Glitters Is Sold | Teacher’s Implementation Guide
Lesson 8: Scaling New Lengths | Teacher’s Implementation Guide

Skills Practice

Topic 1: Proportional Relationships | Skills Practice | Answer Key 

Topic Assessments 

Topic 1: Proportional Relationships | Topic Assessment | Answer Key

Topic 2: Equations and Inequalities

Teacher’s Implementation Guides 

Lesson 1: All the Wright Moves | Teacher’s Implementation Guide
Lesson 2: Line Dancing | Teacher’s Implementation Guide
Lesson 3: Undo the Math | Teacher’s Implementation Guide
Lesson 4: Plumbing the Depths | Teacher’s Implementation Guide
Lesson 5: Refining Your Skills | Teacher’s Implementation Guide

Skills Practice 

Topic 2: Equations and Inequalities | Skills Practice | Answer Key 

Topic Assessments 

Topic 2: Equations and Inequalities | Topic Assessment | Answer Key

Topic 3: Probability and Data

Teacher’s Implementation Guides 

Lesson 1: On a Roll | Teacher’s Implementation Guide
Lesson 2: Trials and Tribulations | Teacher’s Implementation Guide
Lesson 3: Evening the Odds | Teacher’s Implementation Guide
Lesson 4: Branching Out | Teacher’s Implementation Guide
Lesson 5: When the Bars Align | Teacher’s Implementation Guide
Lesson 6: Remember the Alamos | Teacher’s Implementation Guide

Skills Practice

Topic 3: Probability and Data | Skills Practice | Answer Key 

Topic Assessments 

Topic 3: Probability and Data | Topic Assessment | Answer Key

Topic 4: Area and Volume

Teacher’s Implementation Guides 

Lesson 1: This Time Around | Teacher’s Implementation Guide
Lesson 2: Inner Space | Teacher’s Implementation Guide
Lesson 3: Speaking Volumes | Teacher’s Implementation Guide

Skills Practice 

Topic 4: Area and Volume | Skills Practice | Answer Key

Topic Assessments 

Topic 4: Area and Volume | Topic Assessment | Answer Key