Module 1: Composing and Decomposing

Topic 1: Factors and Multiples

Teacher’s Implementation Guides

Lesson 1: Taking Apart Numbers and Shapes | Teacher’s Implementation Guide
Lesson 2: Searching for Common Ground | Teacher’s Implementation Guide 
Lesson 3: Composing and Decomposing Numbers | Teacher’s Implementation Guide


Lesson 1: Taking Apart Numbers and Shapes | Student Assignment | Answer Key
Lesson 2: Searching for Common Ground | Student Assignment | Answer Key
Lesson 3: Composing and Decomposing Numbers | Student Assignment | Answer Key

Enhanced Assessments

Topic 1: Composing and Decomposing | End of Topic Assessment | Answer Key

Topic 2: Positive Rational Numbers

Teacher’s Implementation Guides

Lesson 1: Rocket Strips | Teacher’s Implementation Guide
Lesson 2: Getting Closer | Teacher’s Implementation Guide
Lesson 3: Did You Get the Part? | Teacher’s Implementation Guide
Lesson 4: Yours IS to Reason Why! | Teacher’s Implementation Guide


Lesson 1: Rocket Strips | Student Assignment | Answer Key
Lesson 2: Getting Closer | Student Assignment | Answer Key
Lesson 3: Did You Get the Part? | Student Assignment | Answer Key
Lesson 4: Yours IS to Reason Why! | Student Assignment | Answer Key

Enhanced Assessments

Topic 2: Positive Rational Numbers | End of Topic Assessment | Answer Key

Topic 3: Angles and Shapes

Teacher’s Implementation Guides

Lesson 1: Consider Every Side | Teacher’s Implementation Guide
Lesson 2: Turning a One-Eighty! | Teacher’s Implementation Guide
Lesson 3: All About That Base… and Height | Teacher’s Implementation Guide
Lesson 4: Slicing and Dicing | Teacher’s Implementation Guide


Lesson 1: Consider Every Side | Student Assignment | Answer Key
Lesson 2: Turning a One-Eighty! | Student Assignment | Answer Key
Lesson 3: All About That Base… and Height | Student Assignment | Answer Key
Lesson 4: Slicing and Dicing | Student Assignment | Answer Key

Enhanced Assessments

Topic 3: Angles and Shapes | End of Topic Assessment | Answer Key

Topic 4: Decimals and Volume

Teacher’s Implementation Guides

Lesson 1: Depth, Width, and Length | Teacher’s Implementation Guide
Lesson 2: Which Warehouse? | Teacher’s Implementation Guide
Lesson 3: Breaking the Fourth Wall | Teacher’s Implementation Guide
Lesson 4: Dividend in the House | Teacher’s Implementation Guide


Lesson 1: Depth, Width, and Length | Student Assignment | Answer Key
Lesson 2: Which Warehouse? | Student Assignment | Answer Key
Lesson 3: Breaking the Fourth Wall | Student Assignment | Answer Key
Lesson 4: Dividend in the House | Student Assignment | Answer Key

Enhanced Assessments

Topic 4: Decimals and Volume | End of Topic Assessment | Answer Key

Module 2: Relating Quantities

Topic 1: Ratios

Teacher’s Implementation Guides

Lesson 1: It’s All Relative | Teacher’s Implementation Guide
Lesson 2: Going Strong | Teacher’s Implementation Guide 
Lesson 3: Oh, Yes, I Am the Muffin Man | Teacher’s Implementation Guide
Lesson 4: A Trip to the Moon | Teacher’s Implementation Guide
Lesson 5: They’re Growing! | Teacher’s Implementation Guide
Lesson 6: One is Not Enough | Teacher’s Implementation Guide 


Lesson 1: It’s All Relative | Student Assignment | Answer Key
Lesson 2: Going Strong | Student Assignment | Answer Key
Lesson 3: Oh, Yes, I Am the Muffin Man | Student Assignment | Answer Key
Lesson 4: A Trip to the Moon | Student Assignment | Answer Key
Lesson 5: They’re Growing! | Student Assignment | Answer Key
Lesson 6: One is Not Enough | Student Assignment | Answer Key 

Enhanced Assessments

Topic 1:  Ratios | End of Topic Assessment | Answer Key

Topic 2: Percents

Teacher’s Implementation Guides

Lesson 1: We Are Family! | Teacher’s Implementation Guide
Lesson 2: Warming the Bench | Teacher’s Implementation Guide
Lesson 3: The Forest for the Trees | Teacher’s Implementation Guide


Lesson 1: We Are Family! | Student Assignment | Answer Key 
Lesson 2: Warming the Bench | Student Assignment | Answer Key 
Lesson 3: The Forest for the Trees | Student Assignment | Answer Key

Enhanced Assessments

Topic 2:  Percents | End of Topic Assessment | Answer Key

Topic 3: Unit Rates and Conversions

Teacher’s Implementation Guides

Lesson 1: Many Ways to Measure | Teacher’s Implementation Guide
Lesson 2: What Is the Best Buy? | Teacher’s Implementation Guide
Lesson 3: Seeing Things Differently | Teacher’s Implementation Guide  


Lesson 1: Many Ways to Measure | Student Assignment | Answer Key 
Lesson 2: What Is the Best Buy? | Student Assignment | Answer Key
Lesson 3: Seeing Things Differently | Student Assignment | Answer Key

Enhanced Assessments

Topic 3:  Unit Rates and Conversions | End of Topic Assessment | Answer Key

Module 3: Moving Beyond Positive Quantities

Topic 1: Signed Numbers and the Four Quadrants

Teacher’s Implementation Guides 

Lesson 1: Human Number Line | Teacher’s Implementation Guide
Lesson 2: Magnificent Magnitude | Teacher’s Implementation Guide
Lesson 3: What’s in a Name? | Teacher’s Implementation Guide
Lesson 4: Four Is Better Than One | Teacher’s Implementation Guide
Lesson 5: It’s a Bird, It’s a Plane...It’s a Polygon on the Plane! | Teacher’s Implementation Guide


Lesson 1: Human Number Line | Student Assignment | Answer Key
Lesson 2: Magnificent Magnitude | Student Assignment | Answer Key
Lesson 3: What’s in a Name? | Student Assignment | Answer Key
Lesson 4: Four Is Better Than One | Student Assignment | Answer Key
Lesson 5: It’s a Bird, It’s a Plane...It’s a Polygon on the Plane! | Student Assignment | Answer Key

Enhanced Assessments

Topic 1: Signed Numbers and the Four Quadrants | End of Topic Assessment | Answer Key

Topic 2: Operating with Integers

Teacher’s Implementation Guides 

Lesson 1: Math Football | Teacher’s Implementation Guide
Lesson 2: Walk the Line | Teacher’s Implementation Guide
Lesson 3: Two-Color Counters | Teacher’s Implementation Guide
Lesson 4: What’s the Difference? | Teacher’s Implementation Guide
Lesson 5: Equal Groups | Teacher’s Implementation Guide


Lesson 1: Math Football | Student Assignment | Answer Key
Lesson 2: Walk the Line | Student Assignment | Answer Key
Lesson 3: Two-Color Counters | Student Assignment | Answer Key
Lesson 4: What’s the Difference? | Student Assignment | Answer Key
Lesson 5: Equal Groups | Student Assignment | Answer Key

Enhanced Assessments 

Topic 2: Operating with Integers | End of Topic Assessment | Answer Key

Topic 3: Operating with Rational Numbers

Teacher’s Implementation Guides 

Lesson 1: All Mixed Up | Teacher’s Implementation Guide
Lesson 2: Be Rational! | Teacher’s Implementation Guide
Lesson 3: Building a Wright Brothers’ Flyer | Teacher’s Implementation Guide
Lesson 4: Properties Schmoperties | Teacher’s Implementation Guide


Lesson 1: All Mixed Up | Student Assignment | Answer Key (coming soon)
Lesson 2: Be Rational! | Student Assignment | Answer Key
Lesson 3: Building a Wright Brothers’ Flyer | Student Assignment | Answer Key
Lesson 4: Properties Schmoperties | Student Assignment | Answer Key

Enhanced Assessments 

Topic 3: Operating with Rational Numbers | End of Topic Assessment | Answer Key 

Module 4: Determining Unknown Quantities

Topic 1: Expressions

Teacher’s Implementation Guides 

Lesson 1: Relationships Matter | Teacher’s Implementation Guide
Lesson 2: Into the Unknown | Teacher’s Implementation Guide
Lesson 3: Second Verse, Same as the First | Teacher’s Implementation Guide
Lesson 4: Are They Saying the Same Thing? | Teacher’s Implementation Guide
Lesson 5: DVDs and Songs | Teacher’s Implementation Guide


Lesson 1: Relationships Matter | Student Assignment | Answer Key
Lesson 2: Into the Unknown | Student Assignment | Answer Key
Lesson 3: Second Verse, Same as the First | Student Assignment | Answer Key
Lesson 4: Are They Saying the Same Thing? | Student Assignment | Answer Key
Lesson 5: DVDs and Songs | Student Assignment | Answer Key

Enhanced Assessments

Topic 1: Expressions | End of Topic Assessment | Answer Key

Topic 2: Algebraic Expressions

Teacher’s Implementation Guides 

Lesson 1: No Substitute for Hard Work | Teacher’s Implementation Guide
Lesson 2: Mathematics Gymnastics | Teacher’s Implementation Guide
Lesson 3: All My Xs | Teacher’s Implementation Guide


Lesson 1: No Substitute for Hard Work | Student Assignment | Answer Key
Lesson 2: Mathematics Gymnastics | Student Assignment | Answer Key
Lesson 3: All My Xs | Student Assignment | Answer Key

Enhanced Assessments

Topic 2: Algebraic Expressions | End of Topic Assessment | Answer Key

Topic 3: Equations and Inequalities

Teacher’s Implementation Guides 

Lesson 1: First Among Equals | Teacher’s Implementation Guide
Lesson 2: Bar None | Teacher’s Implementation Guide
Lesson 3: Play It In Reverse | Teacher’s Implementation Guide
Lesson 4: The Real Deal | Teacher’s Implementation Guide
Lesson 5: Greater Than Most | Teacher’s Implementation Guide


Lesson 1: First Among Equals | Student Assignment | Answer Key
Lesson 2: Bar None | Student Assignment | Answer Key
Lesson 3: Play It In Reverse | Student Assignment | Answer Key
Lesson 4: The Real Deal | Student Assignment | Answer Key
Lesson 5: Greater Than Most | Student Assignment | Answer Key

Enhanced Assessments

Topic 3: Equations and Inequalities | End of Topic Assessment | Answer Key

Topic 4: Graphing Quantitative Relationships

Teacher’s Implementation Guides 

Lesson 1: Every Graph Tells a Story | Teacher’s Implementation Guide
Lesson 2: The Power of the Horizontal Line | Teacher’s Implementation Guide
Lesson 3: Planes, Trains, and Paychecks | Teacher’s Implementation Guide
Lesson 4: Time for Triathlon Training | Teacher’s Implementation Guide
Lesson 5: There Are Many Paths... | Teacher’s Implementation Guide


Lesson 1: Every Graph Tells a Story | Student Assignment | Answer Key
Lesson 2: The Power of the Horizontal Line | Student Assignment | Answer Key
Lesson 3: Planes, Trains, and Paychecks | Student Assignment | Answer Key
Lesson 4: Time for Triathlon Training | Student Assignment | Answer Key
Lesson 5: There Are Many Paths... | Student Assignment | Answer Key

Enhanced Assessments

Topic 4: Graphing Quantitative Relationships | End of Topic Assessment | Answer Key

Topic 5: Financial Literacy: Accounts, Credit, and Careers

Teacher’s Implementation Guides 

Lesson 1: Knowledge You Can Bank On | Teacher’s Implementation Guide
Lesson 2: You Are a Real Card! | Teacher’s Implementation Guide
Lesson 3: Financial Report Card | Teacher’s Implementation Guide
Lesson 4: The Possibilities Are Endless | Teacher’s Implementation Guide
Lesson 5: Student Aid 101 | Teacher’s Implementation Guide


Lesson 1: Knowledge You Can Bank On | Student Assignment | Answer Key
Lesson 2: You Are a Real Card! | Student Assignment | Answer Key
Lesson 3: Financial Report Card | Student Assignment | Answer Key
Lesson 4: The Possibilities Are Endless | Student Assignment | Answer Key
Lesson 5: Student Aid 101 | Student Assignment | Answer Key

Enhanced Assessments

Topic 5: Financial Literacy: Accounts, Credit, and Careers | End of Topic Assessment | Answer Key

Module 5: Thinking Proportionally

Topic 1: Circles and Ratio

Teacher’s Implementation Guides 

Lesson 1: Pi: The Ultimate Ratio | Teacher’s Implementation Guide
Lesson 2: That’s a Spicy Pizza! | Teacher’s Implementation Guide
Lesson 3: Circular Reasoning | Teacher’s Implementation Guide


Lesson 1: Pi: The Ultimate Ratio | Student Assignment | Answer Key 
Lesson 2: That’s a Spicy Pizza! | Student Assignment | Answer Key 
Lesson 3: Circular Reasoning | Student Assignment | Answer Key

Enhanced Assessments 

Topic 1: Circles and Ratio | End of Topic Assessment | Answer Key

Topic 2: Fractional Rates

Teacher’s Implementation Guides 

Lesson 1: Making Punch | Teacher’s Implementation Guide
Lesson 2: Eggzactly! | Teacher’s Implementation Guide
Lesson 3: Tagging Sharks | Teacher’s Implementation Guide


Lesson 1: Making Punch | Student Assignment | Answer Key 
Lesson 2: Eggzactly! | Student Assignment | Answer Key 
Lesson 3: Tagging Sharks | Student Assignment | Answer Key 

Enhanced Assessments 

Topic 2: Fractional Rates | End of Topic Assessment | Answer Key

Topic 3: Proportionality

Teacher’s Implementation Guides 

Lesson 1: How Does Your Garden Grow? | Teacher’s Implementation Guide
Lesson 2: Complying with Title IX | Teacher’s Implementation Guide
Lesson 3: Fish-Inches | Teacher’s Implementation Guide
Lesson 4: Minding Your Ps and Qs| Teacher’s Implementation Guide


Lesson 1: How Does Your Garden Grow? | Student Assignment | Answer Key 
Lesson 2: Complying with Title IX | Student Assignment | Answer Key 
Lesson 3: Fish-Inches | Student Assignment | Answer Key 
Lesson 4: Minding Your Ps and Qs | Student Assignment | Answer Key 

Enhanced Assessments 

Topic 3: Proportionality | End of Topic Assessment | Answer Key 

Topic 4: Proportional Relationships

Teacher’s Implementation Guides 

Lesson 1: Markups and Markdowns | Teacher’s Implementation Guide
Lesson 2: Perks of Work | Teacher’s Implementation Guide
Lesson 3: No Taxation Without Calculation | Teacher’s Implementation Guide
Lesson 4: More Ups and Downs | Teacher’s Implementation Guide
Lesson 5: Pound for Pound, Inch for Inch | Teacher’s Implementation Guide


Lesson 1: Markups and Markdowns | Student Assignment | Answer Key
Lesson 2: Perks of Work | Student Assignment | Answer Key 
Lesson 3: No Taxation Without Calculation | Student Assignment | Answer Key 
Lesson 4: More Ups and Downs | Student Assignment | Answer Key 
Lesson 5: Pound for Pound, Inch for Inch | Student Assignment | Answer Key 

Enhanced Assessments 

Topic 4: Proportional Relationships | End of Topic Assessment | Answer Key 

Topic 5: Financial Literacy: Interest and Budgets

Teacher’s Implementation Guides 

Lesson 1: Student Interest | Teacher’s Implementation Guide
Lesson 2: Aren’t Peace, Love, and Understanding Worth Anything? | Teacher’s Implementation Guide
Lesson 3: Living Within Your Means | Teacher’s Implementation Guide


Lesson 1: Student Interest | Student Assignment | Answer Key 
Lesson 2: Aren’t Peace, Love, and Understanding Worth Anything? | Student Assignment | Answer Key 
Lesson 3: Living Within Your Means | Student Assignment | Answer Key 

Enhanced Assessments 

Topic 5: Financial Literacy: Interest and Budgets | End of Topic Assessment | Answer Key 

Module 6: Describing Variability of Quantities

Topic 1: The Statistical Process

Teacher’s Implementation Guides 

Lesson 1: What’s Your Question? | Teacher’s Implementation Guide
Lesson 2: Get in Shape | Teacher’s Implementation Guide
Lesson 3: Follow Me on Histogram | Teacher’s Implementation Guide


Lesson 1: What’s Your Question? | Student Assignment | Answer Key 
Lesson 2: Get in Shape | Student Assignment | Answer Key 
Lesson 3: Follow Me on Histogram | Student Assignment | Answer Key 

Enhanced Assessments 

Topic 1: The Statistical Process | End of Topic Assessment | Answer Key

Topic 2: Numerical Summaries of Data

Teacher’s Implementation Guides 

Lesson 1: In the Middle | Teacher’s Implementation Guide
Lesson 2: Box It Up | Teacher’s Implementation Guide
Lesson 3: Dealing with Data | Teacher’s Implementation Guide


Lesson 1: In the Middle | Student Assignment | Answer Key 
Lesson 2: Box It Up | Student Assignment | Answer Key 
Lesson 3: Dealing with Data | Student Assignment | Answer Key 

Enhanced Assessments

Topic 2: Numerical Summaries of Data | End of Topic Assessment | Answer Key