Topic 1: Signed Numbers and the Four Quadrants

Topic Materials

Topic Overview
Topic Summary
Topic Family GuideGuía del tema para familias y cuidadores
Topic Introduction

Topic Pacing Guides

180-Day Pacing Guide

Student Lessons

Lesson 1: Human Number Line | Student Lesson
Lesson 2: Magnificent Magnitude | Student Lesson
Lesson 3: What’s in a Name? | Student Lesson
Lesson 4: Four Is Better Than One | Student Lesson
Lesson 5: It’s a Bird, It’s a Plane...It’s a Polygon on the Plane! | Student Lesson


Lesson 1: Human Number Line | Student Assignment 
Lesson 2: Magnificent Magnitude | Student Assignment
Lesson 3: What’s in a Name? | Student Assignment
Lesson 4: Four Is Better Than One | Student Assignment 
Lesson 5: It’s a Bird, It’s a Plane...It’s a Polygon on the Plane! | Student Assignment

Enhanced Assessments 

Topic 1: Signed Numbers and the Four Quadrants | End of Topic Assessment

Topic 2: Operating with Integers

Topic Materials

Topic Overview
Topic Summary
Topic Family Guide | Guía del tema para familias 
Topic Introduction

Topic Pacing Guides

180-Day Pacing Guide

Student Lessons

Lesson 1: Math Football | Student Lesson
Lesson 2: Walk the Line | Student Lesson
Lesson 3: Two-Color Counters | Student Lesson
Lesson 4: What’s the Difference? | Student Lesson
Lesson 5: Equal Groups | Student Lesson


Lesson 1: Math Football | Student Assignment 
Lesson 2: Walk the Line | Student Assignment 
Lesson 3: Two-Color Counters | Student Assignment 
Lesson 4: What’s the Difference? | Student Assignment
Lesson 5: Equal Groups | Student Assignment 

Enhanced Assessments 

Topic 2: Operating with Integers | End of Topic Assessment

Topic 3: Operating with Rational Numbers

Topic Materials

Topic Overview
Topic Summary
Topic Family Guide | Guía del tema para familias 
Topic Introduction

Topic Pacing Guides

180-Day Pacing Guide

Student Lessons

Lesson 1: All Mixed Up | Student Lesson
Lesson 2: Be Rational! | Student Lesson
Lesson 3: Building a Wright Brothers’ Flyer | Student Lesson
Lesson 4: Properties Schmoperties | Student Lesson


Lesson 1: All Mixed Up | Student Assignment
Lesson 2: Be Rational! | Student Assignment
Lesson 3: Building a Wright Brothers’ Flyer | Student Assignment 
Lesson 4: Properties Schmoperties | Student Assignment 

Enhanced Assessments 

Topic 3: Operating with Rational Numbers | End of Topic Assessment