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Pilot Study Edge and OpenStax Materials

  • Grade Range: 9 - 12
  • Release date: 11-02-2017
  • Tags: Study Edge, open-education-resource, instructional materials, OpenStax


TEA contracted with two instructional materials developers to create instructional materials in nine high school courses. These state-developed, pilot open-education-resources are provided free of charge to Texas school districts through the Texas Gateway. All products are certified to meet 100% of the required TEKS (Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills or College Board Learning Standards).

This pilot instructional material by TEA is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Public License in accordance with Chapter 31 of the Texas Education Code. A note that these materials may not meet the TEKS coverage for 2024-25 school year because the materials have not been updated to meet the newly-adopted TEKS for K-8 science.


No aligned standards.